utorok 25. januára 2011

DDD_conference program 26.2.2011

Open to public, entry free.

11:00_Petr Huza_porcelain designer_CZ

11:30_Juraj Straka_textile designer_SK/FR

12:00_Radka Kovačíková_jewellery designer_CZ


13:30_Ondrej Jób & Ján Filípek_visual communication_SK

14:30_Daniel Piršč/Pirsc Porcelain_porcelain design_CZ

14:30_ 15:00_Patrik Illo_glass design_SK

15:30_Pavel Brejcha_fashion design_CZ


sobota 22. januára 2011

DDD_support events calendar:

Opening of the exhibtion Tender about gender_thu. 10.2.2011, 18:00, gallery Medium, Hviezdoslavovo nám.18, Bratislava

Opening of the exhibtion of Patrik Illo_ Design času 2_thu. 17.2.2011, 17:00, gallery of French Institute in Bratislava, Sedlárska 7, with support of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava

Conference_sat. 26.2.2011, from 11:00am, Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava,  Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, room 135

Guided tour of the exhibition Tender about gender_thu.22.2.2011, 16:00, gallery Medium

Guided tour of the exhibition_ Patrik Illo_ Design času 2_ thu.22.2.2011, 17:00, gallery of French Institute in Bratislava

Open day in studios_sat.19.2.2011 from 13:00am till 18:00pm, Továrenská 14 Bratislava


The topic of the exhibition (Tender about gender) arose from Denamit´s purely female occupancy, and each of the artists has seized it in their very own way. The result is a portfolio of five exclusive collections, five different interpretations of a single topic, through five different media, all classified as belonging to a group of applied art.

The exhibition will feature founding members of Denamit group – Lucia Bartková (jewellery designer), Michaela Bednárová (textile design), Simona Janišová (ceramics), Lenka Sršňová (fashion design), Linda viková (ceramics) and their guests Katarina Czikorová (graphic design), author of Denamit logo, and Jakub Gulyás (photographic cooperation in Lenka Srsnova´s project).

One of the exhibition´s missions is to present creative and production processes. Photography and video documentation of these processes, presented in direct context with pieces of final art work, has become an equivalent part of the exhibition. The exposal of these processes helps a better understanding and brings the role of the author/designer closer to their auditory. The audience will get to know what is included in the price of a designer product and original artwork and can see the evolution of a particular piece of work from a sketch into a the final product. 

DDD support events are: exhibition of designer and artist Patrik Illo in French institute gallery, as well as lectures and discussion, guided tour and open day in DDD artists´ studios. Lectures will introduce professionals active in the same areas as DDD founding artists, both in Slovakia as well as abroad. The objective is to inform the audience about hot topics and challenges of both Slovak and global design, and commercial and fine arts.